Welcome To IU 17

Employment Opportunities

Upcoming Events


BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is proud to support our schools and communities across the Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan, and Tioga County region. Our mission is providing, creating, and facilitating high-quality educational solutions.


BLaST is proud to offer students across our area the opportunity to participate in fun, exciting and challenging STEM programs throughout the year.

Parents & Students

We offer a wide range of services and programs for students including Early Intervention, Alternative Education, and more.

School Districts

We offer a wide range of services for the schools we support. These include professional learning, technology, and curriculum services and more.

Business & Community

We offer services to our local community members and businesses. These include testing, room rentals and more.




Students Served


Square Miles




Began In

BLaST IU 17 Leaders Visit Wales as Part of Three-Year International Partnership

Members of BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 and representatives from regional school districts recently embarked on a five-day visit to Wales,… Read More

BLaST IU 17 Supervisors Accepted into Pennsylvania Fellowship Program for Special Education Leaders

BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is proud to announce that two of its dedicated supervisors, Mrs. Erica Hoyt and Mrs. Jennifer… Read More

BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 Awarded Grant to Expand Access to Gifted Education

BLaST Intermediate Unit 17 is proud to announce its selection as one of ten Intermediate Units across the Commonwealth to… Read More